

To effectively coordinate and provide a platform for the Anglican Church in Africa to celebrate life, consult and address challenges in the continent in order to fulfil God’s promise for abundant life through fellowships/partnerships, capacity building and promotion of good governance and social development.

The Council of Anglican Provinces of Africa derives the renewal of her mandate from the leadership of the Church who have renewed their commitment to nurturing Family Life and Building Healthy Populations in the continent towards the 2015 goal of MDGs and beyond. Through CAPA the Church identifies the need to nurture harmonious and dignified communities and establish models for managing conflicts, engage in peace building initiatives especially in the context of electoral process.

The issue of empowering the vulnerable especially with regard to gender injustices in order to bring an end to all forms of gender based violence, exploitation, child trafficking and assisting displaced families and communities is crucial to our mandate. Making Leadership work to secure our future and unlock our potential. The Church through CAPA has renewed her commitment to use its structures and social networks to make demands for good governance, youth participation, partnership and advocacy for the fulfillment of God’s will for the continent.