Church and Community Mobilisation is the process where the local Church works with its local community to identify and respond to their needs together. This is an exciting process of mobilising the community as the Church begins to be ‘salt and light’ by encouraging and supporting communities to analyse their own situations, and to take steps to work together to make changes for the better.
How the Church and community respond to the needs identified may vary. Responses may include self-help groups, improving infrastructure, advocating for improvement of or access to services or changes to unjust laws, and may also include projects to improve livelihoods.
Church and Community Mobilization Process and Disaster Risk Reduction Practitioners Forum
In January 2018 Church and Community Mobilization Process and Disaster Risk Reduction practitioners from Mothers Union, Episcopal Relief and Development, Anglican Alliance and CAPA participated in a forum whose focus was to explore ways to build resilience using Church and Community Mobilization Process as an approach in Churches and communities exploring capacity gaps on Disaster Risk Reduction knowledge and principles in Churches and communities and establishing a network for the community of practise coordinated by Episcopal Relief Development to strengthen Disaster Risk Reduction work in Churches and communities.