The objectives of CAPA include:
- Build the capacity of the Anglican Churches in Africa to understanding better the issues of mission and development within and outside the Anglican Communion;
- Provide a forum for the Church in Africa to share experiences, consult and support each other as well as establish opportunity for collaboration, learning and joint initiatives;
- Identify and sustain internal and external development and partnership within and outside Africa and the Anglican Communion.
- Enable the Anglican Church to act as a catalyst for spiritual, social, economic, political transformation on the continent.
About Us
The Council of Anglican Provinces of Africa (CAPA) is a regional Faith Based Organization that was established in 1979 in Chilema, Malawi, by the Anglican Primates of Africa. Our goal is to coordinate and articulate issues affecting the Church and communities across the region. The Council operates in 15 Anglican Provinces namely; Alexandria (Algeria, Egypt, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Libya, Tunisia and Somalia) Burundi, Central Africa – (Botswana, Malawi, Zambia and Zimbabwe), Congo, Igreja Anglicana de Mocambique e Angola (Anglola and Mozambique), Indian Ocean (Madagascar, Seychelles and Mauritius), Kenya, Nigeria, Rwanda, Southern Africa (Lesotho, Namibia, South Africa and Eswatini), Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda, West Africa (Cameroon,Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Sierra Leone and Liberia), South Sudan in 26 African countries where the Church has its presence.
CAPA reaches out to individuals, communities and groups through her over 40 million dedicated Church members in different communities in Africa.
Administratively, We are headed by a Council that is led by a Chairman, supported by other executives and other officers for the smooth running of the Provinces’ activities. We have a secretariat headed by a General Secretary located in Nairobi Kenya.
Vision and Mission Statement
CAPA’s Vision
“A unified and self-sustaining Anglican Communion in Africa, providing holistic ministry to all and fulfilling God’s promise for abundant life”. (John 10:10b).
CAPA’s vision is that of a new society in which the weak, the poor and the vulnerable have an equal voice and are not divided by selfish gains of tyranny or by the forces of social fragmentation such as tribalism and nepotism. CAPA as a continental fellowship of the Anglican Communion is committed to deepening of the values of dignity and integrity, healing and social transformation and to enable the people of God to grow in the faith and live life in its fullness.
The churches are endowed with untapped abundance of resources, social and moral capital to deliver development especially in the most remote parts of the continent therefore complementing the work of State actors and civil society in education, health, agricultural, rural water supply and infrastructural projects. Never the less the pressure exerted by the forces of globalization and the emerging constellation of civil society institutions require a re-articulation of the moral and spiritual resources of the Church in the realm of human development. CAPA bestows a unified and self-sustaining Anglican Communion in Africa, providing holistic ministry to all and fulfilling God’s promise for abundant life.
CAPA’s Mission
To effectively coordinate and provide a platform for the Anglican Church in Africa to celebrate life, consult and address challenges in the continent in order to fulfil God’s promise for abundant life through fellowships/partnerships, capacity building and promotion of good governance and social development.
The Council of Anglican Provinces of Africa derives the renewal of her mandate from the leadership of the Church who have renewed their commitment to nurturing Family Life and Building Healthy Populations in the continent towards the 2015 goal of MDGs and beyond. Through CAPA the Church identifies the need to nurture harmonious and dignified communities and establish models for managing conflicts, engage in peace building initiatives especially in the context of electoral process.
The issue of empowering the vulnerable especially with regard to gender injustices in order to bring an end to all forms of gender based violence, exploitation, child trafficking and assisting displaced families and communities is crucial to our mandate. Making Leadership work to secure our future and unlock our potential. The Church through CAPA has renewed her commitment to use its structures and social networks to make demands for good governance, youth participation, partnership and advocacy for the fulfilment of God’s will for the continent.