Finally, what seemed like a dream came to reality when over 100 delegates from different parts of the world gathered in Nairobi Kenya from 10th to 15th August 2015 to attend the Umoja Forum. The historic meeting was organised by the Umoja Family under the auspices of CAPA. The meeting themed “Transformed Churches: Journeying Together, Growing Together”, was made possible through the support of mission partners, namely: Anglican Alliance, Tearfund UK, Mary Sumner House (Mothers Union), Episcopal Relief and Development, Samaritan’s Purse, The Leprosy Mission, Us (formerly USPG) and Christian Aid.
The keynote address was delivered by seasoned facilitator Dr Agnes Abuom who challenged the delegates to embrace change by exploring new opportunities for working together while focussing on the one agenda of empowering people to realize their God given potential.
National/Provincial Teams Discussion

One of the key highlights of the forum was the discussions by the national and Provincial teams on defining their roles of Provincial Leadership, supporting partners and CAPA with the aim of establising a scale up strategy.