Youth leaders and Coordinators drawn from 11 of the 13 CAPA Provinces gathered at the Demisse Sisters Retreat Centre, in Karen Nairobi from 8th to 11th July 2015. The theme of the Consultation was “BUILDING ON THE BEST” Heb. 10: 23
The objectives of the consultation were to allow the youth leaders to share experiences on the opportunities and challenges of the participation of the young people in Church life. They were to also explore ways of equipping young people to face challenges and take advantage of existing opportunities as well as plan for a CAPA Youth Congress.
In his keynote address, Bishop Charles Muturi, current Chairman of Kenya Anglican Youth Organization (KAYO) challenged the young people to take charge of their lives. Africa is endowed with resources and God has good plans for young people and for Africa: to prosper, to give us hope and future – Jeremiah 29:11.Our mission as leaders should be to Heal, Sustain, Guide, Reconcile and Nurture the young people.

Some of the outcomes of the consultation:
i) A CAPA Youth congress is planned for 2017 and a planning committee among the youth leaders was established to plan.
ii) CAPA to facilitate sharing of youth work resources for use across Provinces.
iii) CAPA liaise with Heads of theological institutions to ensure the introduction of youth focused curriculum those institutions
iv) Create a social media platform for interaction and information sharing.