The Council of Anglican Provinces of Africa (CAPA) hosted a Theological Consultation under the theme ‘Transformative Theological Education: Forging a Promising future for Africa’. It was held from 2nd to 5th September 2014 at the Resurrection Gardens in Karen, Nairobi. The Consultation was attended by more than 60 people including Primates, Chairpersons of Provincial Boards of Education, Heads of Theological Institutions, Deans of Theology faculties and partners of CAPA.
The aim of the Consultation was to re-orient the Theological Institutions towards unlocking the potential of the Anglican Church in shaping a promising future for Africa.
The Objectives of the Consultation
- To create an enabling environment for deep reflection on the opportunities and challenges facing Africa which is in the context of our ministry.
- To identify what is facilitating and hindering the Church’s effective response to the Mission challenges presented by this context.
- To examine the appropriateness of our institutions in terms of the environment, staff, curriculum in contributing to the shaping of students into becoming catalysts for positive change in society guided by Gospel values.
- To identify appropriate methods of Teaching for Transformation.
- The place of liturgy in the Mission of the Church.
- Exploring how to cultivate a proactive character in relation to our response to emerging challenges in our mission context rather than being reactive.
- Revisiting our cultural traditions which continue to hold the Christians captive and exploring how we counter them.
- Identifying ways of continuous conversation between Theological Institutions in terms of sharing experiences and reflections on Mission issues.
- Identifying ways of mobilizing resources for Theological training in colleges and parishes